On this route a mini bus will transfer you from Castletownbere to Adrigole, 12 Kilometres road journey .The walk begins at Reen Bridge on the west side of Adrigole Harbour. Trekking on a narrow road for 2 kilometre cross over a stile onto open ground. One of Ireland’s highest waterfalls will come into view . A film piece was shot here recently, where the water was dyed red for a vampire film “ Byzantium”. An uphill rise to 270 metre’s within 1 kilometre will get hearth pumping . Here come onto a track that slowly descend for 1 kilometre to the west, With Hungry Hill towering over you for the next 3 kilometres on open marked ground going by a lake “Park Lough” here on a track swinging right onto a valley “Comnagapple” the track ends as it meets a river , Here the way marks go to the west on open ground crossing river’s by footbridges , Coming onto a track road where the walk goes along with for 100 metres “Here the easy walker can come off the trail staying with the track road downhill, 1.5 kilometres will join the main road near Rossmackowen Church where the mini bus will pick you up there.”
The moderate and challenging walker carry on west with markers on open ground descending into a glen crossing a river by footbridge with a sharp rise uphill onto a track road at this point the way goes to the left . Here 2 kilometres up hill is the grave of Princess Beara “A Spanish princess named Beara who married a local chieftain from here in Spain on return he named the peninsula after her. This walk is in one of our evening walks. Going left on the way swinging round to the right up hill onto Ballard Commons and downhill to Derrymihan East . Here the moderate walker comes off the trail arrangements will be made to pick you up by mini bus. Here the challenging walker goes to the right with markers into open ground to the north west for 1 kilometre going over styles as some of the way goes through enclosed land . Its downhill for 3.5 Kilometre to Castletownbere , passing by a Megalithic tomb on the way. Distance Challenging walk 17.5 km, Moderate walk 12 km , Easy walk 10 km